Tuesday, 22 April 2008

I shall walk alone... 20:05
hmm...today is an exciting day...cuz we had a conference to attend to..lol...it is held at one degree 15 marina club and this place is damn nice...really...lol..however...not many ppl can join this event cuz there are limited no of ppl they need...lol...so ya...was quite fortunate to get in the thing...cuz i in IG mah...so easier lor...lol...bt for this conference...i had to wake up like 5 am in the morning...cuz the club is in sentosa and we cant be late...lol...so met winnie and was praying that she wont be late...lol...bt in the end...she was punctual so we didnt end up late...haha...when we arrived at the club...the place was quite empty ...so the organizer is not there yet...so some of us took pictures of the place and so on...lol
The organizer reached at 8 am and a lady walked up to us to brief us abt what to do..it turn out that she is quite a impolite lady...den at the end of the day...every helper called her a BITCH...why?(read on)..cuz she told us that actually we are not needed for the event today...cuz the plan has changed...we were quite disappointed when we heard this cuz we were dressed in suit and all...bt this is nt the reason why we called her a bitch...its because she keep repeating that we are not needed...argh...its not like we din hear it when she said the first time...we counted and she actually say it more than 5 times that we are actually not needed during the first hr...den some of the girl say that they feel like slappin her...lol..thats how irritated we are by her...bt then we endure it and the day went smoothly and the chairman and the committee thanks us for helpin out in this event..thats so much better than that bitch...haha...
I shall walk alone... 19:03
Monday, 21 April 2008
Feeling right now: TIRED!
haha...yeah...thats my feeling right now as i am writing this post...lol..cuz i slept quite late ytd and there sch today...luckily it a 11am lssn...lol...if not i will die...lolyea...now sch locations changed le...changed to sentosa...haha...gt gd and bad of goin there to study lar...haha...u think abt it urself...and my class has changed...lol..dunno who is in my class except joyce...lol...so ya...this very curious...and i hope i can get a gd and steady project grp this time...kk...i gonna go prepare for sch le...till then...everyone take care...lol ^^
I shall walk alone... 09:26
Thursday, 10 April 2008
haha...this is super funny...lol..chen saw a lot of shuttlecock on the curtain then he told me to use the basket ball to get those shuttlecock down..then i tried bt fail...den i told him that the ball may stuck in the curtain...den he say wont de...so he went to throw...what happen is like what the picture show...
p.s plz listen to others too...when they tell u sth ^^
Then...he show us this face...iz call this face..."bird face" in chinese and chen say this is "SMELLY FACE"....lol
After playing badminton....we went to the arcade and we went to play this sweet machine...see how engross jacklin is...lol
This is how much sweets we gt after spending $5...lol...mentos price have inflated...
I shall walk alone... 20:45